Where were you when you heard the news,
of the Victorian Bushfire's,
The worst natural disaster,
in Australia's History
7th February 2009
(Black Saturday)
I was studying in a,Grief Counselling course that weekend,
so I didn't realise the extent
of what had happened,
to our beautiful state
until the Sunday night.
As the hours, days, weeks & months
have unfolded
my heart has gone out
to all those who have suffered.
The victims,
The Families,
The Friends,
The Animals and Wildlife,
The Communities,
And too all of us who have watched
this terrible tragedy unfold .
It took me back to when I heard the news that,"Diana, Princess Of Wales"
had died, in 1997.
I remembered when I had got the chance
to meet her in 1985 in Macedon,
which was after another terrible
bushfire here in Victoria.
Those of,
"Ash Wednesday"
in 1983.
Tears streamed down my face,
as I, and many others,
from around the world
watched as her two
beautiful boys
followed her coffin
through the streets of London
Then, two weeks ago,Shane, Kimberley and I
woke to hear the terrible news that
Michael Jackson
had been rushed to hospital.
We sat glued to the television
hoping that he would be okay,
Like many others around the world,
our prayers were not answered,
and our hearts were broken,
to hear the news of his death,
at such a young age,
is such a tragedy.
On Wednesday morning,we stayed up to watch his,
very moving and beautiful memorial service.
The three of us had many tears,
for his friends and family,
Especially his children.
And this is where I would like to take a few excerpts,
from Michael's memorial service,
To remind us of how special he was.
"Michael was one of a kind" - Brooke Shields.
"Wasn't nothing strange about your daddy,
it was strange what you Daddy,
had to deal with,
but he dealt with it anyway" - Rev Al Sharpton.
"Gone too soon" - Usher.
"Someone that taught us to love,
Someone that taught us to hope,
Believe in your dreams" - Rev Al Sharpton.
"How much pain can one take,
maybe now Michael they will leave you alone" - Marlon Jackson.
Then Michael's' beautiful daughter said:
"Ever since I was born,
Daddy was the best father you could ever imagine,
And I just wanted to say I Love Him so much" - Paris Jackson.
And the words sung by,
Germane Jackson,
to Michael's favourite song,
"Smile though your heart is aching,
Smile even though its breaking,
When you in, there are clouds in the sky,
You'll get by,
If you smile, with your fear and sorrow,
Smile, you're maybe tomorrow,
You'll find that life is still with wealth,
If you just,
Light up your face with sadness,
Hide every trace of gladness,
Hearts that will heal will be ever so dear,
That's the time you'll must keep on trying,
Smile, there's no use in crying,
You'll find that life is still wealth,
If you just,
Smile though your heart is aching,
Smile even though its breaking,
When you in, there are clouds in the sky,
You'll get by,
If you smile with your fear and sorrow,
Smile you're maybe tomorrow,
You'll find that life is still wealth,
If you just smile,
That's the time when you must keep on trying,
Smile, there's no use in crying,
you'll find that life is still with wealth,
If you just smile.
After watching this,
I felt that Shane, Kimberley and I
should go to the beach
and remember to
So we went & had afternoon tea
at our little Cafe
attached to the local general store.
These areShane and Kimberley's hands
together on the beach
The Following picturesare of
Shane and Kimberley
on this beautiful winter's day

We will always remember you
with a
Our hearts and thoughts go to your